Have A Book Builder Birthday Party

What a wonderful way to teach your child the importance of giving on a day normally reserved for receiving! When you have a Book Builder birthday party, you have a normal birthday party, but instead of bringing gifts, you ask guests to make a donation to the library for the purpose of purchasing new children’s books. Each book purchased will have a dedication label placed inside the front cover that will be similar to the example at left.
Our Book Builder form contains a place for you to list types of books, authors, or topics that interest your child. So the books purchased will be age appropriate reading for your child about something he or she likes.
Just follow these simple steps:
1. Fill out the Book Builder Birthday form.
2. Send birthday party invitations to guests. Include on the invitation that it is a “Book Builder Birthday Party.” Wording on the invitation could read, “In lieu of a gift, please bring a monetary donation to be used for purchasing new books for the Vestavia Hills Children’s Library. Books purchased will be given in honor of ________________’s (list birthday child’s name) ___________________ (the occasion).
3. Collect monetary donations at the party. A fun idea would be to incorporate the birthday party theme into your donation box. For example, you might collect money for a Fiesta party in a sombrero or for a Pirate party in a treasure chest. Guests may give cash or checks made out to PALS. This information would also be helpful on the party invitation. If you receive checks made out to you, please combine these and write one check payable to PALS. Send the completed form with your check, payable to PALS, to the following address:
P.O. Box 661314
Vestavia Hills, Alabama 35266 (yes, this is the correct zip code)
*PALS (People Affecting Library Success) is a 501(c)(3) organization through the Vestavia Hills Library Foundation and your donation is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
4. The birthday child will receive a special letter in the mail letting him/her
know the titles of the new books that have been given in his/her honor.
If you'd like to donate books in your child's honor but don't want to throw a Book Builder Birthday party, you may fill out and send in the Book Donation form. It is a wonderful way to help the library and to honor your child's big day.
If you have questions, please contact June Clark.